Revo Uninstaller Pro 4 or: The one that uninstalls them all - now even toolbars & Windows apps!
Revo Uninstaller 4 Pro English newsletter Suchen Sie die deutsche Version? Bitte klicken Sie hier!
A Tip and your Revo loyalty upgrade offer!

Revo Uninstaller 4 Pro English newsletter Suchen Sie die deutsche Version? Bitte klicken Sie hier!

Dear [Vorname] [Nachname],

thank you very much for your interest in Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 and our giveaway! Personally, I have been very glad about the positive feedback regarding the product and wanted to thank those of you who waited for their serials once more for your understanding and patience!

As you hopefully by now got your serial (if not let me know by hitting answer and saying so) for Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 I'd like to offer a loyalty upgrade to Revo 4 for you and at the end of the email a little tip that should help you regardless of you taking me up on the upgrade offer. 😊

Here's the "flaw" I feel Revo 3 has had for some time…

As grand a tool as Revo Uninstaller 3 is, you'll recognize that it was originally conceived before Windows 10 hit the market, e.g. because you can't uninstall Windows Store apps. In addition it's not possible in version 3 to remove Browser Toolbars & Addons - those weren't a nuisance in those days as they are today! Can you imagine that? As the times have changed, both features are now integrated in Version 4 and in my humble opinion these two alone are very good reasons to upgrade.

Granted: I am a tiny bit biased. 😊 Feel free to get a better idea of these and other improvements below:

New: Easily uninstall Windows apps
In this context apps means programs that are installed via the Microsoft Store - even including the ones that come pre-installed by Microsoft!

New: Easily remove Browser Addons and Browser-Apps
Thanks to Revo Uninstaller 4 these pesky symbols and bars you never wanted in your browser are now a thing of the past!

New: New Cleaning tool for Windows, Office & your browsers
Finally one module to rule them all... ehem, to clean them all of course! Now you can clean Office, Windows and your browsers from the same module. The most convenient part of it is that you are now able to clean (e.g. delete cookies) all your browsers in one place.

Better: User interface cleaned
Thankfully the user interface has been modernized, but in a way that you can still recognize the program after upgrading to version 4.

Better: License transfer to a different/ new PC
Now you are able to transfer your license to a different/ new PC!

Better: Resume uninstalls after a PC restart
If one of those beloved Windows upgrade restarts interrupts an uninstall process, it can now be resumed after the restart!

Better: Even more precise search algorithms
Search algorithms for junk left behind by the regular uninstall routine have been improved - true for both registry and file leftovers!

Better: Autorun-Manager
The Autorun-Manager now gives you the ability to do a direct search for autorun entries and even includes scheduled tasks of your Windows operating system!

Revo Uninstaller 4 Pro Upgrade


Your Loyalty Upgrade
for readers

MSRP: 39,95 €/$*

Your price: only 19,95 €/$


Buy now

Your order includes Updates for two years! After those two years your license will still be valid indefinitely. You only no longer receive upgrades!

Still not sure if version 4 is right for you? Well, then take a look how uninstalling Windows Apps and browser extensions work:

The new Windows App Removal tool

You may be of one those Windows users that have given up on the start menu. A likely reason for that is the plethora of unwanted, preinstalled programs and Apps, which leads to optical chaos. Thanks to the App uninstall functionality (and of course the standard functionality of Revo) this doesn't have to be the case any longer!

Screenshot App Uninstall

Another advantage of the removal tool is that Microsoft no longer can make those preinstalled Apps the standard for opening certain file types with a Windows upgrade. A non-existant app doesn't open files after all. 😊

Nearly as an afterthought you're going to save - depending on number and size of the apps - a lot of room on your harddisk, too. If you're using a SSD as your system drive that is twice as important as the more space the SSD has the faster it gets (if it is relatively full at least)!

Screenshot App remains

I've found more than sixty apps on my PC. Of those I have - at best - installed about 10. And if you believe that uninstalling an app via the normal Windows app removal process offers the same that Revo does, take a look at the (unfortunately German) screenshot above. The only relevant part of it is at the bottom right: Revo Uninstaller has found 422 files (Dateien) in 76 folders (Ordnern) with a size of (Größe) 45 MB after the regular uninstall routine of the Photoshop Express App. And that's just one app...

Make your system tidy again and
and save 20 €/ $* while you're at it!

The new Browser Extension Removal Tool

This tool probably doesn't need too many explanations as someone like you that tests and uses lots of Windows programs, probably got his or her fair share of browser extensions and toolbars you never wanted. Thanks to this new tool those addons are now a thing of the past. As an added bonus you can now keep an eye on all your browsers in one place! No need to click through all their menus.

Screenshot Browser Toolbars

Btw I am truly shocked how many extensions my Browsers have gotten over time (see below). I would have never guessed that it's 70+ and again I didn't want to install most of them.

Screenshot Browser-Addons

Make your system tidy again and
and save 20 €/ $* while you're at it!

Your Revo Tip for version 3 and 4 – Fight the Clutter in your taskbar!

Do you know the icon chaos at the bottom right in the notification area? Do you have any clue what most of those mean or to which programs they belong? (I don't but don't tell anyone!) Below you'll see a picture of my "cleaned" notification area. Does it look worse on your PC? If so feel free to send me a picture before and after cleaning it up.

Screenshot Task bar

Hunter Mode Icon If you're as unhappy with that state as I am, there's help on the way for you. Just use the so called Hunter Mode of Revo Uninstaller 3 or 4. Once activated a small cross hair shows up on your screen. Move that crosshair to a symbol that you want to check or you know you want to get rid of. You'll then see the option to:

  • uninstall the program
  • remove it from the Autorun
  • kill the process once
  • kill and delete the process
  • open the containing folder
  • start a Google search
  • show the properties of the process
I hope that this tool helps you to have less clutter in your notification area! You'll start the hunter mode in Version 3 via View -> Start Hunter Mode and in version 4 via the button Hunter mode bottom left in the main window! If you got any questions, let me know - most of the time I'll answer personally and gladly!

Revo Uninstaller 4 Pro Upgrade


Your Loyalty Upgrade
for readers

MSRP: 39,95 €/$*

Your price: only 19,95 €/$


Buy now

Your order includes Updates for two years! After those two years your license will still be valid indefinitely. You only no longer receive upgrades!

60 days Money Back!

If you are not happy with your purchase of Revo Uninstaller Pro 4 for any or no reason at all, please let us know within 60 days of the purchase date and we gladly refund your money - no questions asked. Just write to our softwarestars Service address!

Enjoy your weekend once it arrives and have a great day!

Frank Bacher - Founder
Frank Bacher

P.S: Looking for system requirements? See below:
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
Processor: Intel oder AMD
RAM: 1 GB;
Internet connection for activation and updates

* Compared to the MSRP (Manufacturer's suggested retail price) in €/$. This promotion runs until March, 10th 2019. Your purchase includes updates for 2 years. The license itself is valid indefinitely und does not contain any kind of subscription. After the two years you decide if you want to pay for further updates.

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Managing Director: Frank Bacher, German company register (Handelsregister): Amtsgericht Kleve, HRB 14083, German legal entity: Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt - limited liability), VAT identification number: DE306692960

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Geschäftsführer: Frank Bacher, Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Kleve, HRB 14083, Rechtsform: Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt), Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE306692960